
The end

It's the end of two things. One: Augoblogmo, 31 posts in 31 days. And two: life in Bellingham. I've been living in Seattle for two months now, but last night I went up to my old college town to clean the house that many people have called home at one point or another. This post is for Sara, Erika, Mac, Brian, Jackson, Michele, Nick, Kyle, Raf, Jordan, and Alex. And Carly. The view is still amazing, the carpet is still ugly, and the bathroom will always be pink. 

Thanks for tuning in to Augoblogmo, the support from all of you has been so wonderful. I'm tempted to make a funny word for what I have planned in September... but I won't. Just keep checking back, exciting things are happening at Banana Giraffe Industries!


Le Pen

Is my favorite pen.


All kinds of good

I've told you before about an organization 826, and the ingenious Greenwood Space Travel Supply Co.  in a previous post. "Tactile" is a chapbook I picked up while in the store; I'm blown away by the talent of all these people:
And the hard work of all these people:



This is an illustration I did for a class to accompany this poem by Emily Dickinson:

There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!



On softball Mondays, I don't get home till past my bedtime, so tonight I dug up this for you: my homework, from 2007. My other gift to you is that I'm not showing you any of my figure studies from the same time period.


WA weekends

Too much to see, too little time